Personal Training in Johnson City & Jonesborough Tennessee

Get Some Training by Jesse!

Form focused resistance training!

Clients Can Expect:

-To work on flexibility

-Training in full range of motion

-Hypertrophy Training

-To work on mind-muscle connection

Form > Weight

My Training Philosophy:

With the focus on the form and full range of tension of each exercise rather than the weight being used, we can achieve the greatest muscle stimulus with the least impact on the joints.

Resistance training within a client’s full range of motion of each exercise while keeping the muscle under tension allows for the most effective outcome of each exercise!

Get Some Training by Jesse!

Personal Training Locations:

  • - Victory Fit Gym in Jonesborough TN

  • - At-Home Personal Training

Meet Me

Hello! My name is Jesse and I am a certified Personal Trainer in Jonesborough & Johnson City, Tennessee.

Exercising is my passion and I enjoy teaching the knowledge, techniques and cues that I have learned to help clients achieve their goals in the gym!

Whether you are beginner or an experienced weight lifter, if you are interested in training with focus on form, learning a new exercise routine or just need the motivation to get into the gym, I can help.

Thank you for your interest, message me to schedule a training session or with any questions!